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Welcome to the flavours of mountainous Pitsilia region, home to the traditional aged meats with Protected Geographical Indication


PGI Products
(Protected Geographical Indications) 


A wonderful journey through flavours, traditions, and history from our mountainous regions!

An age-old tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation to the present day, is now being shaped into a well-documented specification that dictates the production rules for the aged meats of the Pitsilia region, under the EU Geographical Indications Register. Only sea salt, red wine, the mountainous climate, and centuries-old know-how give these pieces of pork their aromatic taste.

With a history dating back thousands of years and an endless variety of flavours, aged meats are an integral part of the Cypriot gastronomy. Loukaniko Pitsilias PGI, Lountza Pitsilias PGI and Hiromeri Pitsilias PGI, occupy a prominent position in the European Quality Register, deservingly earning a place at our table, in an imaginative and thoroughly Cypriot charcuterie platter, uniquely accompanying the wine or spirits, tasting our sandwiches, sauces and pies.

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